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Transport & Outings

Need help getting around?

If you cannot drive for any reason, Care Connect can help you access transport services for:

  • medical appointments
  • social events and activities
  • shopping.

Whether it is for one-off events, or a regular activity, and it is part of your care plan, we can help you arrange transport.

Can my home carer come too?

There are times when clients like to bring a family member along to medical appointments, both for support and help with health details. If you have a spouse or family member who cares for you at home, please discuss this with your Care Manager prior to making arrangements.

Transport help that suits you

Care Connect understand that people need help getting to a variety of places for different reasons. To help make arrangements that suit your circumstances, please seek the support of your Care Manager. For transport to be accessible through your Home Care Package, it must relate to the goals outlined in your care plan.

Care Connect was of tremendous help to me after my by-pass operation, especially when I needed to be driven for doctor’s appointments.


If you have a question

Our support team will have the answer

For more information about the many ways Care Connect can enable you and your loved ones to continue to live safely and happily at home and in the community, get in touch today for friendly, expert advice.

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