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Support at Home Program

We understand the upcoming changes to aged care sector might cause some unease. To help provide some reassurance and answer your questions, Care Connect has outlined below what we know about the Support at Home program. We will update this page as additional information becomes available, and our team is always here to talk with you should have any concerns. You can call them on 1800 692 464.

Care Connect supports the rights-based approach adopted by the Aged Care Act. The Statement of Rights at its heart will help ensure that older people and their needs are, and remain, at the centre of the new system.

Overview of the new program – why is it being introduced?

The Government, with the support of the Opposition, passed the Aged Care Bill 2024 to implement reforms from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
Support at Home brings together current in-home aged care programs, ensuring a simpler and more equitable system for older people that helps them to stay at home for longer.

It is designed to improve access to services, equipment and home modifications to help older people remain healthy, active and socially connected to their community.

You can read more about program on the Federal Department of Health and Aged Care’s website by clicking here – Support at Home

“We congratulate both the Government and opposition for working together to bring to life the significant reforms highlighted by the Royal Commission. This is the start of the journey, and Care Connect is committed to working with both the Government, clients, aged care staff and the community as a whole to improve the quality, care and outcomes for clients.”

Lynda Chalmers,
CEO Care Connect

What does it mean for me, or my loved one?

If you or a loved one has a Home Care Package, or you’re approved and waiting for your Home Care Package to be assigned, you don’t need to do anything.
Starting 1 July 2025, everyone with or waiting for a Home Care Package will automatically move to the new Support at Home Program—no reassessment needed.

When you move to Support at Home, your funding will be the same as your current HCP level. If you have unspent funds, they will carry over and can be used for extra services, assistive technology, or approved home modifications.
If you’ve been on the National Priority System waiting list, your Support at Home funding will match the HCP level you were approved for when Support at Home begins. If you are yet to be assessed, the My Aged Care website remains the starting point for applying for support. On this site you can find information about the system, apply for a Home Care Package, arrange an assessment and compare providers.

Key Changes

Classification levels
The Support at Home program has 8 classification levels. These replace the current 4 levels within the Home Care Packages program.
The levels and budget amounts are outlined below. Budgets will be allocated quarterly (ie. every 3 months). Up to $1,000, or 10% of the budget amount unspent, can be rolled over to the following quarter.

Table with support at home classification levels for support at home program
Care management fees
10% of a participant’s budget will be allocated to care management.

How is the income-testing care fee changing?
If you currently pay an income tested care fee, this will continue. You will not pay more than you currently do under the Home Care Package program.

If you currently do not pay an income-tested care fee, you won’t be required to pay additional fees under Support at Home. You will not be financially disadvantaged by the transition.

New assistive technology and home modifications scheme
This scheme will provide eligible participants with funding for assistive technology and home modifications, helping them live independently at home for longer. Depending upon an individual’s needs, participants may be able to receive up to $500, $2,000 or $15,000, to be used within 12 months. This funding can cover equipment, home changes, set up and training.

Some items may need approval from a health professional, and participants may need to contribute to some of the cost. We will be able to assist you if this is part of your care plan.

Short term care pathways
As part of the Support at Home program, the current restorative care program will be replaced with the Restorative Care and End-of-Life Pathways.

Restorative Care Pathway 
Will provide people with access to Allied Health services to provide short-term support for up to 12 weeks.

End-of-Life Pathway
Will provide people with urgent access to a higher level of care and services in their home if they have 3 months or less to live. Funding will be up to $25,000 with 16 weeks to use the funds.


For further information about the Support at Home program you can visit the following resources.

Support at Home Frequently Asked Questions  

Support at Home program website


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