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Staying connected and social

The cold and wet weather often causes us to stay home, which can be very isolating and lonely for some. It’s crucial at any age, but particularly as we get older, to remain connected to others.

Reach out to services that can connect you with new people and communities:

1) The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS): Did you know that older Australians who receive government-subsidised Home Care Packages can have volunteer visitors through the ACVVS? The ACVVS (formerly the Community Visitors Scheme) has been arranging volunteer visits to provide companionship and friendship for older Australians for more than 30 years. For a list of providers and further information about becoming a volunteer, please visit: www.health.gov.au/acvvs.

2) Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS) – Social Support Groups in Victoria: The AMCS provide a variety of Social Support Groups for communities from different multicultural backgrounds and as demand grows for a particular culture, they create new groups. Regular activities such as table games, day outings, guest speakers, festivals and religious days, cooking, and general exercise are organised according to your interests and abilities in easy to access, comfortable and safe venues. For a small fee, you could also receive transport, meals and the activity. To learn more, visit: www.amcservices. org.au/social-support-groups.

3) LiveUp’s website www.liveup.org.au is full of resources for finding activities in your local area including coffee clubs, game nights, arts and crafts groups, volunteering and Men’s Sheds. There is also a Facebook page where you can stay updated with the latest articles, expert tips and practical information to help you age well.

4) Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN): Even if you are unable to leave home, the OPAN can help you to stay connected and supported and they have a ton of resources available. Chat with an OPAN volunteer Monday through Friday, from 8am-8pm, and 10am-4pm on Saturday. Call 1800 001 321, or visit the OPAN website: www.opan.org.au.


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