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BOM Warns of scorching temperatures and potential bushfires 22.1.21

BOM Warns of scorching temperatures and potential bushfires: Whilst it might have been a relatively mild summer so far, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) have warned of extreme heatwave conditions in Australia’s south-east this weekend and through next week, with residents being asked to brace for scorching temperatures and potential bushfires.

We encourage you to heed health and emergency warnings to ensure that you keep yourself safe and well:

  • Before venturing outside, check the weather forecasts and alerts on: bom.gov.au
  • For bushfire updates and information, check these websites:
  • Listen to ABC local radio and tune in online for news in indigenous languages by clicking here
  • Watch ABC news
  • Download the Fires Near Me app on your mobile and set your warning areas. This app is available on Google Play and in the App Store.

In an emergency call Triple Zero (000) or dial TTY 106

Too much heat is not safe for anyone – great or small:
Even healthy and fit people can struggle in the heat but you can follow some simple ways to stay cool, including staying hydrated, limiting time in the sun or strenuous outdoor activity, and taking cool showers or wearing a wet bandana to reduce heat stroke.


Signs of heat stress, heat exhaustion and/or heat stroke are:

  • Headache
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Weakness and general exhaustion
  • Fainting (possibly the first sign) or becoming unconscious
  • Body temperature over 40°C (104°F)
  • Dry, flushed skin and a strong, rapid pulse or a slow, weak pulse
  • Not sweating even if it is hot.

It’s not just the daytime temperatures that are cause for concern. Warm overnight conditions mean that we won’t be able to recover very well between the really hot days.

Be prepared for extreme heat:

VIC Health advises that you:

  • Stock up on food, water and medicines so you don’t have to go out in the heat
  • Store medicines safely at the recommended temperature
  • Check that your fan or air-conditioner works well. Have your air-conditioner serviced if necessary
  • Consider that there may be a power failure and have a torch, fully charged mobile phone, battery operated radio and some spare batteries available
  • Look at the things you can do to make your home cooler such as installing window coverings, shade cloths or external blinds on the sides of the house facing the sun.

It’s also important if you have pre-existing medical conditions that you connect with your GP for advice on added precautions, including those around how heat can affect your medications.


Don’t forget to also make sure your pets have shade and water – and if you are able, put water out for struggling wildlife.


For more advice on heatwave preparedness, please click here, and to watch a video for tips from the ABC, click here.

Be prepared for bushfires:

Fire danger is also expected to be high, so keep an eye out for warnings and do what you can to prepare in advance.


If you live in a region prone to bushfires, various state fire authorities recommend that you:

  • Prepare a Bushfire Survival Plan now, if you haven’t done so already. Click here for tips from the RFS NSW. Make sure your family understands the Plan and knows what to do and where to go during an emergency
  • Minimise the fire traps. Move fuel containers, BBQ gas bottles, woodpiles and rubbish away from your house. Prune branches from overhanging trees. Mow your grass regularly, and clear your roof and gutters of dried leaves, twigs and branches
  • Pack an emergency relocation kit in case you and your family need to evacuate your area.

Each state has its respective bushfire safety recommendations, so please refer to state fire service websites listed above for further information.


Regardless of which state you live in, during extreme conditions we should be checking in on each other — in a CovidSafe way, of course.  Make sure you stay connected with neighbours and loved ones.  Let them know your plans, especially if you intend to be outside for any period of time.

If you would like further assistance or information, your Care Connect team is here to help on 1800 692 464 – Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm.

Stay Cool, Stay Safe, Stay Connected.


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