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Aged Care and Home Care Forum in Frankston a terrific success

Our second Aged Care and Home Care Forum held in Frankston on Tuesday 23 May was a terrific success. Over 50 guests were keen to understand:
1. how to access a Home Care Package
2. what in home care services are available
3. how to stay living at home instead of going into residential aged care living.

Here is what some of our guests had to say about the event:

“I found the session very informative – I didn’t know about many of the things they were talking about. I learnt a lot” Pat

Pat (left) and Joy (right) pictured with Care Connect Client Adviser Nicole Hili

“I found the forum very informative – it gave me an insight into the whole picture of aged care and living at home” Dianne

“The information presented was highly relevant – it was also good to be reminded that you need to prepare for your future. We learnt the value of going through an independent organisation” Bryan and Ruth

“I found out that the aged system is a lot more complex than I had thought. Today got me thinking that I should get started as I do want to stay living at home” Piroska

If you would like to stay living at home independently speak with one of our highly experienced advisers to find out how. Give us a call on 1800 MYCHOICE (1800 692 464) or email referralenquiries@honh.space


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