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Coronavirus outbreak- Sydney’s Northern Beaches

The Coronavirus outbreak in Sydney’s Northern Beaches has resulted in repercussions nationwide, including tighter border control and the introduction of new levels of restrictions for people living in, or who have visited, the area.


Care Connect remains committed to the safety and wellbeing of the people for whom we provide in-home care. We will continue to follow the guidance of the authorities to ensure that the care we deliver follows the strictest CovidSafe guidelines.


Once again, it’s time for us to show our true Australian grit and determination. We urge everyone to follow local, state and Commonwealth advice, and appeal to your community spirit by asking you to check in with your older loved ones, friends and neighbours. Please always follow CovidSafe practices; socially distance, wash your hands, isolate and wear a mask when advised to do so. Together we will get through this.


Stay safe, stay well, stay connected.

To follow this story as it happens, please visit: www.abc.net.au/coronavirus


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