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What a week it has been already (and it’s only Wednesday)!  I trust that you are all keeping safe and well.

I wanted to share with you some key updates affecting the provision of services to Care Connect’s clients, and would appreciate if you can implement these requests immediately.


Greater Sydney – Use of Masks

Care Connect is now instructing all of our providers who deliver services in the greater Sydney area to wear a mask.

As required by the NSW Government, any care workers travelling between high risk LGAs to other LGAs for work purposes, must wear masks.

Effective 10 August 2020,  services that are performed in the home (e.g. Domestic Assistance, Personal Care), or where close support to a client is required (e.g. Social Support shopping), will attract a COVID-19 mask supplement of $1.00 (including GST) which Care Connect will add to your invoice (refer to our communication on this site on 17.7.20).  Please visit the ‘Need to Know’ tab on your Provider Connect page for the updated list of LGAs where this now applies.


NSW – ComPacks and SASH services

In accordance with the NSW Department of Health announcement, effective Friday 24 July 2020, ComPacks and SASH care workers are required to wear masks when providing care.  Clients are also required to wear a mask, where possible.

On this basis, and effective for services delivered from  27 July 2020, we require service providers to provide a mask to the client when delivering services, including those services where close support to a client is required (e.g. Social Support shopping).

  • Two masks are now needed to be used for these services – one for the care worker and one for the client. This will attract a COVID mask supplement of $2.00 (including GST), which Care Connect will add to your invoice.
  • There is no need to invoice us, as this supplement will be added automatically.  The cost of the supplement has been determined by a review of pricing in the market, and is considered a fair and reasonable cost to pay for a mask.  It will be applied only once to the service, no matter the duration of that service or how many care workers attend.   Where there is a service where use of PPE is current practice (pre-COVID) e.g. Nursing Services, the supplement will not apply.

Short-term support for PPE funding

Care Connect is providing short-term support for mask funding for many of our providers in government designated hotspots. We took this step in a collaborative effort to help protect our joint clients and the service providers with whom we work.

As you would appreciate, this comes at a significant, non-recoverable, cost to Care Connect.  Therefore, if you operate in a hotspot area, we ask that you move to central stockpile ordering as soon as possible.  We propose to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, the supplement in areas covered by the stockpile, allowing us to focus resources on supplementing PPE in select areas not covered by the stockpile.

  • Please advise urgently, via an email to procurement@careconnect.org.au, if you are already receiving stock free of charge from the National Stockpile or any other source, as this supplement will not apply.
  • Care Connect continues to review the supply situation on masks and other PPE, and reserves the right to amend this arrangement at any time.

VIC – Melbourne Stage 4 and Regional Victoria Stage 3

Care Connect has reviewed the requirements in Victoria after the recent announcement of the new restrictions by Premier Daniel Andrews.

Care and services provided under home care and disability packages may continue, however it is up to the client to decide how often they may want to have the care and services, in an effort to limit their exposure to COVID-19.

Please continue with the current service schedule unless Care Connect contacts you to advise you of a change in circumstances.  Please remain COVIDSafe, follow the mandatory rules regarding the wearing of face coverings and surgical masks, and continue your hygiene and social distancing practices as you move around the community and conduct services.

If you need to travel to provide services you will need a permit, per Victorian requirements. We expect service providers to obtain their own permits. Permits can be obtained from:




Care Connect may be able to support you on an exception basis – please email procurement@careconnect.org.au if needed.


NSW & VIC – Masks for clients

Care Connect has provided masks to some clients under various packages. The use of these masks is being monitored by Care Connect. We are encouraging our clients to wear masks, and ask that all care workers also encourage clients to wear masks.


QLD & NSW – Border Closure

The Queensland Government have announced the closure of borders between Queensland and NSW.  At the time of writing, there are no detailed guidelines around permits.  Please keep yourself up to date, and ensure to comply with any government requirements.


Even though we are working differently, our focus remains on making sure that your wellbeing and that of our clients and staff is protected.  We all need to play our part by continuing social distancing and good hygiene practices, adhering to advice from the authorities such as wearing masks, and avoiding unnecessary travel.

We’re all in this together.

Take care,

Eileen Keane

General Manager, Service Delivery Partnerships


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