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Message from Eileen Keane

I’d like to thank you for your understanding and support as we navigate the unpredictable Coronavirus landscape. With the situation changing each day, the impact on our community and constant news-flow in the media, this is a challenging time for everyone.  It is especially challenging for you and those at the frontline delivering care.

Our focus remains on your safety and wellbeing and that of our staff and clients.  We are committed to doing everything we can to minimise risk by implementing the latest Department of Health guidelines on safely delivering in-home care services.


As a technologically advanced organisation, disruption to our business and the way we continue to support you remotely has been minimal.  Our staff have now transitioned to working from home, and whilst we have to adjust to this new way of working, please be assured that our teams are focused on working with you to ensure the highest-level of support for our clients.


As part of our response to COVID-19, Care Connect is implementing strategies to reduce the transmission of the virus to clients, staff at Care Connect and our service providers. We have commenced substituting non-contact alternate services, in place of non-essential face-to-face services, where possible. This allows clients to remain connected to their care workers wherever possible, in a safe and effective manner.

Providers are empowered to have discussions directly with clients around substitution as is appropriate. Approval is to be sought via the usual channels of communication.  Please click here for the principles that must be applied.

Our Screening Flowchart has also been updated in line with the latest government guidelines. Please ensure you screen your staff against this flowchart.  Please also screen clients prior to entering their homes, each and every time.  There have been occasions where care workers have entered a clients home and the clients tell them, during the shift, that they are unwell.  Whilst waiting for the results of testing, these care workers have had to isolate.  This can be avoided by screening clients prior to entering the home.

Care Connect has set up regional Specialist Care Teams to handle essential services in the home for COVID-19 confirmed or suspected clients.  These teams would only be used if the client needs to isolate AND must have some essential services continue in the home during this period of isolation. Essential services are most likely to be nursing care and personal care, although a case-by-case review will take place  for each client.

Areas for Special Care Teams: 

NSW: Sydney North, Sydney West, Sydney South

QLD: Southern QLD/Northern NSW,  Brisbane Metro, Sunshine Coast

VIC: Melbourne NW, Melbourne SE, Loddon-Mallee, Hume

At this point in time, Care Connect has not had to manage a positive client, although we have had to manage suspected clients (awaiting test results).  In all cases of suspected clients, there has not been a need to continue with essential services in the home, so a Specialist Care Team has not been deployed.

Our greatest hope is that we do not need to use these specialist teams at all.


In addition to keeping our website and Facebook page updated, we are communicating other helpful information to clients as part of our commitment to providing safe, effective and person-connected care.  If you wish to advise Care Connect of any additional offers or services you are delivering at this time so we can pass this information on to clients, please email: procurement@careconnect.org.au.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership and cooperation.

Stay safe and take care,

Eileen Keane

General Manager, Service Delivery Partnerships


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