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How many Home Care Packages are in Australia? 30th September 2019

A summary of Home Care Package program data Australia as at the 30th September 2019.

Data from Home Care Package Program Data Report 1st Quarter 2019-20

How many Home Care Packages are in Australia?

At 30th September 2019, there were 134,930 people in a home care package. This represents an increase of 9,811 people (7.8 per cent) since 30 June 2019 (125,119) .

In the September 2019 quarter, 18,367 people entered a home care package for the first time. This is the highest quarterly inflow of people into care since the commencement of the Increasing Choice reforms in 2017.


How many people are waiting for a Home Care Package?

At 30 September 2019, there were 62,942 people seeking a home care package at their approved level, who had not yet been offered access to a lower level package. Of these people, 96.1 per cent (60,495) had been provided with an approval to access support through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).

At 30 September 2019, there were 49,295 people who were seeking a home care package at their approved level, who had already been offered a lower level package.

The table below summarises the estimated wait time for Home Care Packages depending on the level a person has been approved for.

How much is being invested in home care package funding?

On 25 November 2019, the Government announced that an additional $496.3 million would be spent on 10,000 home care packages across 2019-20 and 2020-21. This included 3,000 level 3 and 2,500 level 4 packages in 2019-20 and 2,000 level 2, 2,000 level 3 and 500 level 4 packages in 2020-21.


How many Home Care Packages are being approved?

There were 28,638 approvals for a home care package in the September 2019 quarter.


How many Home Care Packages are being released?

There were 48,100 home care packages released in the September 2019 quarter, at an average of 3,700 per week.

The table below provides the breakdown of the forward estimates for the Home Care Package levels based on the current known information and data.

Packages released vs upgraded in the September 2019 quarter.
  • 19.1 per cent (9,200) were offered as upgrades to people who had previously been offered and accepted a lower level interim package.
  • 80.9 per cent (38,900) of packages were offered to people who were not in an interim level home care package (Table 14). This included people who were previously offered a package and did not take up the offer, as well as people who were offered a package for the first time.

Table of new vs upgraded home care packages

How many Home Care Package providers are there in Australia?

There were 926 approved home care providers with a home care service. This decreased by 0.3 per cent (three providers) since 30 June 2019 (929).


For more information about applying for a Package visit Get a Home Care Package.

Further information on the Home Care Packages program can be found at https://agedcare.health.gov.au/programs/home-care-packages-program


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