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Helping Ron live at home and tell his story

Ron had been a volunteer with the bushfire brigade in New South Wales for many years. When his wife Jane fell and hurt her shoulder and arm in 2012, Ron’s family contacted us. They had heard that we offer independent home care advice and have a large network of quality home care providers.

Ron and Jane were assessed for a government-subsidised Home Care Package and they both chose us as their Home Care Package provider.

Donna became their Client Adviser and visited Ron and Jane to find out what was important to them, and what they wanted to achieve in their lives.

“We sat together and created their care plan,” says Donna, “which is like a living document. We refer to it all of the time, and while it’s formally updated once a year, we add to it as Ron and Jane’s needs change. That’s really important. Ron and Jane’s care plan is about them and what they want. It reflects their lives.

“Ron and Jane love going to cafes and markets and visiting new places, so along with domestic care, social support is an important part of their care plan. Their social life contributes to their overall wellbeing. Spending time with other people and having the ability to experience new things makes all the difference to them.”

For Ron, there was another goal the care plan helped him to achieve. For a very long time he had wanted to publish his first work of fiction. “Writing is an important part of Ron’s life,” says Donna. “He loves language and he loves storytelling.” So with funds allocated in his care plan, one of Ron’s care workers helped him edit the manuscript, while Ron and Donna worked together to find a publisher that could print the book to Ron’s budget.

“Ron was so very excited when he finally received the 25 printed copies – he wanted our Care Centre to have a copy,” says Donna. “The pride I saw from Ron was heart warming, and he’s now working on his second manuscript. It’s amazing. It just goes to show what can be achieved with a Home Care Package.”

“I would like to thank the Care Connect team for assisting me in achieving this goal” says Ron.

To find out how we can help you access a Home Care Package, or if your want to bring your Home Care Package to us, please call us on 1800 MYCHOICE (free call 1800 692 464).



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